International Society of Electrochemistry


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Help for Refugee Academics

The following information was assembled to help the situation of scientists who were forced to leave their permanent posts because of natural disasters or wars. The assembled links should facilitate the displaced scientists to resume their research careers. The ISE does not take any responsibility for the correctness of the information provided on the linked sites.

European Union
European Research Council launched the website where ERC project holders can post their jobs for Ukrainian researchers.

The Netherlands

The following link leads to a specific project for refugee scientists in Netherlands


Polish National Science Centre has announced a special program for Ukrainian researchers (any field, not only electrochemistry) and the information can be found here:

Another programs aiming at at students, PhD students and researchers is published here:

Brasil – Sao Paulo

The FAPESP - support foundation of the state of Sao Paulo-Brazil  opened a call for Proposals to assist research institutions in the state of São Paulo to receive researchers from countries involved in the conflict in Ukraine and other war-affected countries. The grant should allow research institution to host researchers interested in conducting research in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The purpose of this Call is to promote collaboration between researchers for the development of research projects which are either already in progress or about to be started at the Host Institution has initiated a special measure to finance the research activities of Ukrainian researchers in Lithuanian research and study institutions. A standing call for applications for the recruitment of Ukrainian researchers will be published on 4 April: