Guidelines for ISE Division Officers
1 Constitutional Aspects
Scientific Divisions are established by Article 7 of the Constitution of ISE. It is also stated that each Division shall select Division Officers who shall form a Divisional Board in accordance with the By-laws. It is additionally stated in Article 10 that the Division Officers are elected Officers of the Society. As a consequence (Article 17) they are voting members of the Council.
The ISE By-laws, in Article 6, state that each Scientific Division shall be governed by a Divisional Board, that shall comprise at least three elected Division Officers (the Division Chair, the Immediate Past Chair and the Chair Elect) and two Vice Chairs, who may be elected by the members of the Division, or appointed by the Chair of the Division. Each Division shall determine the allocation of the Divisional responsibilities to individual Officers. The term of office of each officer shall be two years.
2 General Duties
The duties of the Division Officers are outlined by Article 7 of the Constitution and by Articles 6 and 7 of the By-Laws. In summary, they are responsible for preparing and implementing the scientific programs of the respective symposia of annual meetings of the Society in co-operation with the Organizing Committees (OC) and to promote, in a general way, scientific activities in their respective fields.
In order to ensure the necessary continuity of action, the former Chair, the President Elect of the Society, the Executive Secretary and the ISE Office will provide the newly elected Division Officers with information on the list of Division members, the Division funds, the titles of the Divisional ISE Meetings and the activity of the relevant Divisions in the past two years.
3 Committee of Division Officers
The officers of the various Divisions constitute the Committee of Division Officers (CDO). The activities of the Division Officers are coordinated by the President Elect of the Society who is ex officio chairperson of the CDO. The CDO meets during the Annual Meeting of the Society. Division Officers are therefore expected to attend the Annual Meeting and to report on their activities during the previous year. Consultations may also take place by mail between two Annual Meetings.
4 Annual ISE Meeting
The Committee of Division Officers, chaired by the President Elect of ISE,
- proposes symposia topics
- nominates 2 Symposium Organizers per Symposium.
- ensures that the Symposium Organizers propose the description of the symposia topics for all announcements, the definition of the call for papers, the selection of speakers, and the Symposia Chairpersons.
Details are laid down in the Guidelines for Organizing Annual ISE Meetings.
The contacts between the OC and the CDO are coordinated by the President Elect, and all exchanges should be channelled through him.
In addition to their contributions to the program of annual meetings, Division Officers are urged to identify themes for future annual meetings. Prospective organizers may thus be presented by the Society with some priority options to better accomplish a long-term scientific planning.
Special attention should be paid to the more specialised Spring Meetings which involve one or two Divisions. In these cases the co-operation between Divisions would be desirable, in order to identify hot topics relevant to a wider number of ISE members.
5 Special ISE Meetings
5.1 Divisional Meetings
Division Officers may plan and organize Divisional Meetings and any other scientific activities, related to their own Divisions, they may wish to promote.
5.2 ISE sponsored Meetings
The Scientific Divisions can give ISE sponsorship – with or without financial support – to a particular meeting in the field of their divisional interests. The Division Officers should be involved in the organization of meetings sponsored by their Division.
In order to better co-ordinate the scientific activities of the Society with other competing meetings, Division Officers are urged to transmit to the Executive Committee of ISE (through the President Elect or the Secretary General) any information on the scientific content of such meetings, and to suggest possible solutions.
For more information, consult the Guidelines for Organizing Special ISE Meetings.
6 Other Activities
6.1 Publications
Division Officers should encourage the members of their Division to submit papers to Electrochimica Acta.
6.2 Interactions with Members
Division Officers are encouraged to devise and implement any form of interaction with members such as e.g. a divisional meeting at each Annual Meeting, in order to obtain a better co-ordination of the activities of the Divisions.
6.3 Corporate Sustaining Members
Division Officers should have regular contacts with Corporate Sustaining Members interested in the field of their Division.
6.4 Awards
Division Officers are expected to promote the Society awards and to stimulate the submission of applications/nominations. Division Chairs are expected to chair the committees of Divisional awards.
6.5 Fellows and Honorary Members
Division Officers are encouraged to suggest to the Fellows Nominating Committee names of scientists who might be considered for appointment as Fellows or Honorary Members
7 Activity Reports
Report to the Executive Committee: Division Chairpersons are expected to present, by the end of each year, a report on the activities of their Divisions to the President Elect who will inform the Executive Committee and will arrange for distribution and publication.
Newsletters to Division Members: The contacts between Divisions and their members are best kept when Division Chairpersons periodically issue newsletters containing relevant information (future meetings, Divisional Symposia, personal news, biographic notes of candidates, etc.).
ISE Office: Division Officers are encouraged to use the services of the ISE office to distribute items such as newsletters and announcements to the members of their division.
8 Financial Aspects
A variable sum is allocated per year to each ISE Division from ISE funds. This money is to be used exclusively to support ISE Sponsored Meetings, Divisional Meetings, or other Divisional activities within the scope of ISE Constitution and By-laws. The decision on the use of the money is taken by the Division Chairs, Immediate Past Chairs and Chairs Elect. The ISE Office administers on behalf of the Treasurer an account for each Division. Upon request by the Division Chairperson the ISE Office transfers the desired amount to the organizers of the meeting receiving the subsidy. The instructions given to the ISE Office shall specify the meeting as well as the names of the Division Officers supporting the decision. The President Elect has to be informed about such activities of the Divisions.
As from 2004, 1/3 of the total sum allocated to the Divisions, as duly agreed in ISE budgets is divided equally among all Divisions and 2/3 proportionally to the number of Division’s members. The deadline for a head count is Dec. 31st for funding during the following calendar year. Divisions can accumulate twice the amount of money that the Division should receive for a specific year. Personal and/or institutional donations to divisions are excluded from the ceiling.