International Society of Electrochemistry


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ISE Prize for Electrochemical Materials Science


The ISE-Prize for Electrochemical Materials Science is awarded annually to a young person for contributions in the field of electrochemical material science, including corrosion, electrodeposition and surface treatment. Candidates must meet the age eligibility condition according to ISE Prize for Electrochemical Material Sciences rules.


Rules of the ISE-Prize for Electrochemical Materials Science

SUBMISSION OF AWARD APPLICATION: All correspondence, whether by mail or email and including that for awards joint between ISE and other societies, should be sent to the ISE Office. Unsuccessful candidates can re-apply in a subsequent year, provided that they still meet the age requirements.



The ISE-Prize for Electrochemical Materials Science is a prize of Division 4 of the International Society of Electrochemistry.


It may be awarded annually to an electrochemist on the basis of published work in the field of electrochemical material science, including, but not limited to, corrosion, electrodeposition or surface treatment.


Applicants must be ISE members in good standing less than 35 years of age on 1st June of the year of application. The age limit may be extended, upon request of the applicant, for example due to formal period(s) of maternal, paternal or adoptive leave, compulsory leave for civil or military service, illness or other exceptional circumstances. The applicant is asked to provide evidence in support of their extension request. This evidence has to be submitted as a part of the curriculum vitae. Each application for extension will be considered individually by the award committee.


The prize consists of a certificate and the sum of 1000 Euro. The winner gets free ISE membership for one year.


Candidates may apply on their own behalf.


The application should be uploaded via the Submission Site and consist of the following items:

  1. a curriculum vitae

  2. a publication record

  3. a maximum of five of the most relevant publications

  4. a statement of a senior electrochemist concerning the scientific contribution of the candidate to any joint publications.
    All documents uploaded must be in PDF format.


The winner is expected to give a 20-minute lecture at a symposium of ISE Division 4 during the following year. ISE will pay for his/her registration and banquet fees.


The prize winner is selected by a committee consisting of the three officers of ISE Division 4 «Electrochemical Materials Science» and two distinguished scientists appointed by the ISE Executive Committee. These two persons shall be appointed each year; re-nomination is possible. The committee is chaired by the chairperson of ISE Division 4.

Award is closed

Previous winners
Claire Villevieille (2016), Csaba Janaky (2017), Peng Bai (2018), L. Shen (2019), Jilei Liu (2020), F. Bella (2021), K. Stoerzinger (2022), Raphaële Clément (2023). .


Previous winners Hans-Jürgen Engell Prize
A. Michaelis (1998), E. Akiyama (2000), C. Blanc (2001), L. Magagnin (2003), J. Kunze (2004), S. Nakanishi and D. Chidambaram (2005), Monica Santamaria (2006), Hiroaki Tsuchiya (2007), Ismael Díez-Pérez (2008), Karl Mayrhofer (2009), Jamil Elias (2011), Aliaksandr Bandarenka (2013), Fabio La Mantia (2014), Marcel Risch (2015)